You are looking for a computer service?
About safety
You should keep your computer safe. What do You really know about viruses? If You think they are not dangerous, you are in a big mistake. In fact, computer virus can destroy all your data, but damage could be worse. What can you do when your computer gets infected? First try to use an antivirus program to scan your disk, it is still possible to remove a problem. What if it will not work?
In the worst case, call for help to a computer service - they will know what to do to fix your computer and save your files.
Fix or buy a new one? Fix!
Failures of laptops happen quite often. The reason is prosaic - the laptop is a portable device, so it is quite fragile and it can be easily damaged by an accident. Child or dog can drop it from the desktop or the couch - if you're unlucky, the screen may break. Does this mean that you have to buy a new computer? Absolutely not! You should take your broken laptop to the trusted computer service, or you can check if the warranty does cover this type of failure. Do not panic - you can always find a solution that will not ruin your wallet.
Computer for a player
Computer to the player should be really good. What I mean is the equipment should have high parameters because the players are very demanding users. Which means the computer can be quite expensive. The failure can be very expensive too, so in that case, you should find a good computer service, where specialists are able to fix it. Of course, a lot depends on how badly your PC is damaged. However you should noted, that repair is still cheaper than buying a new one. So remember - take care of your computer :).