Please note that when you buy a foreign car!
Acquisition of foreign used cars from Germany or France is very popular. When buying a car from abroad we have to be careful if the seller does not deceive us, because there is no shortage of vehicles which, for example, have accidents and are sold as accident-free. Then the car can really be in bad shape, although aesthetically looks good and inconvenience are covered. This creates a really big risk and it is worth to choose the service of your friends in this regard. Imports of cars from abroad is often a way to earn a certain amount of money, so a lot of people lead such activities. So let's go to a friend or a person with a command when you plan to buy this car.
Diesel engines and HCCI
Diesel Ignition Process
Diesel engines and HCCI (Homogeneous charge compression ignition) engines, rely solely on heat and pressure created by the engine in its compression process for ignition. The compression level that occurs is usually twice or more than a gasoline engine. Diesel engines take in air only, and shortly before peak compression, spray a small quantity of diesel fuel into the cylinder via a fuel injector that allows the fuel to instantly ignite. HCCI type engines take in both air and fuel, but continue to rely on an unaided auto-combustion process, due to higher pressures and heat. This is also why diesel and HCCI engines are more susceptible to cold-starting issues, although they run just as well in cold weather once started. Light duty diesel engines with indirect injection in automobiles and light trucks employ glowplugs (or other pre-heating: see Cummins ISB#6BT) that pre-heat the combustion chamber just before starting to reduce no-start conditions in cold weather. Most diesels also have a battery and charging system; nevertheless, this system is secondary and is added by manufacturers as a luxury for the ease of starting, turning fuel on and off (which can also be done via a switch or mechanical apparatus), and for running auxiliary electrical components and accessories. Most new engines rely on electrical and electronic engine control units (ECU) that also adjust the combustion process to increase efficiency and reduce emissions.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_combustion_engine
Precious light signals
Novice drivers often have no idea how to navigate especially in large cities. Skills acquired during the course of a driving license are often insufficient to freely continue driving after passing the exam. But do not scare initial failures in this respect - nobody immediately not yet led to any vehicle like a professional driver, and each kilometer is a valuable experience. It is worth noting that many motorists used polite rules on driving. A valuable signal to a driver who, for example, let us in on a congested intersection is sending him a thank you for using your own lights. Such light signals can be very useful when driving culture.