Flora and fauna of the Tatras
Although many tourists coming to the Tatras focus your holiday in the valleys and in such places in Zakopane, as Krupówki, it should come out in the higher parts of the mountains, of course, as far as physical abilities. We can meet there really unique in the country specimens of both flora and fauna of the Tatras. Very often wyglądanymi by tourists animal pathways are chamois, which, however, can meet only a few. Chamois is quite wild animals, like bears and goats, which very rarely can also be found in this area. It should consider dropping into the unknown land, because such a meeting can be quite dangerous for tourists.
Nature in Poland - what to see?
Poland is a region very attractive nature. In this respect, we find a lot of places that necessarily must see, even if we do not care too much about the natural aspects of the site. Worthy of note are certainly places like Tatry and Owl Mountains. The hilly places in Poland is indeed much, much more - should go well in the Holy Cross Mountains and Pieniny. In Poland we will also find areas where there is a completely different vegetation and animals. You can mention here for example, Roztocze National Park and around the seaside. The fact that in Poland there are many national parks are the best proof of how special this place is.
Strict nature protection in Poland
The best argument for a very attractive natural location Polish is the fact that in our country there are plenty of different kinds of parks and nature reserves. There are also quite a few areas under special protection, as well as over twenty national parks. In the area of each of these nature reserves we can find really unique flora and fauna, not only in the country but also in the whole world. Poland is therefore a wonderful place to relax in nature. The leave in this area will certainly be satisfied first of all nature lovers who love to watch nature in all its glory.