Self car repair
While servicing cars is not a very cheap services, it should convey our car under the care of a specialist. The skilled person, who has not only appropriate computer software to diagnose the cause of the failure, but also often many years of experience in this field certainly much better cope with the odd broken car than an amateur. It is true that many people choose to self repair the car, however, you may find that the replacement parts on your own can even lead to larger faults in our car. Then the cost of repair can be much more sensible for the portfolio, so it is very worthwhile.
How to build a reputation garage?
Obecnie w niemal każdym domu znajduje się co najmniej jeden samochód. Ponieważ auto można kupić w stosunkowo niewielkiej cenie, coraz więcej osób decyduje się na własny pojazd. Zapewnia to niezależność i wygodę, ale również niesie ze sobą konieczność serwisowania samochodu. Dlatego też warsztaty naprawcze cieszą się tak dużym zainteresowaniem i mogą stać się dobrym źródłem zarobku. Aby jednak było to możliwe, konieczne jest wypracowanie sobie dobrej opinii wśród zadowolonych klientów. W takich przypadkach najlepiej działa poczta pantoflowa ? jeśli rzetelnie wykonamy swoją usługę, właściciel naprawionego auta z pewnością poleci nas znajomym. Dlatego też najważniejszą kwestią w prowadzeniu własnego warsztatu samochodowego jest oferowanie usług na najwyższym poziomie.
Encyclopedically about petrol
Gasoline also known as petrol outside North America, is a transparent, petroleum-derived liquid that is used primarily as a fuel in internal combustion engines. It consists mostly of organic compounds obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum, enhanced with a variety of additives.
On average, a 42-gallon barrel of crude oil (159 L) yields about 19 US gallons (72 L) of gasoline when processed in an oil refinery, though this can and does vary based on the crude oil source's assay.
The characteristic of a particular gasoline blend to resist igniting too early (which causes knocking and reduces efficiency in reciprocating engines) is measured by its octane rating. Gasoline is produced in several grades of octane rating. Tetraethyllead and other lead compounds are no longer used in most areas to regulate and increase octane-rating, but many other additives are put into gasoline to improve its chemical stability, control corrosiveness and provide fuel system 'cleaning,' and determine performance characteristics under intended use. Sometimes, gasoline also contains ethanol as an alternative fuel, for economic or environmental reasons.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasoline